The Interview Process
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The Interview Process
Becoming a successful LSO student is more than simply achieving a set off grades in formal examinations. Indeed, many of our mature students commence their studies at the LSO without having followed the traditional A level – University pathway.
So that we can accurately assess your suitability to study an osteopathy degree at the LSO we interview, all candidates who meet our initial academic criteria.
The interview takes around 30 minutes and will take place online. You will be interviewed by two people from the LSO whose aim is to put you at ease so you can answer the questions to the best of your ability. There will also be time for you to ask questions.
Before the interview day
- Read the applicant information sent via email which includes information about what to expect in the interview along with information about the LSO and what makes a successful student
- Accept your online interview invitation
- Check if you need to upload any documents, such as copies of your passport or education certificates, before you attend your interview
On the day of the interview
- Check you can access the Zoom online platform and that your camera and microphone are working
- Find a quiet location indoors where you won’t be disturbed. If possible, use a desktop or laptop to log on to the interview as opposed to a mobile phone.
- Keep your camera and mic on during the interview.
- Relax and smile – this is your chance to tell us why you want to study Osteopathy at the LSO
- We want to find out more about you and how well suited you are to the course
- You don’t need to prepare for the questions we ask you, but it helps if you have read through the applicant information we sent you. Think about any questions you would like to ask us.
After the interview
After the interview you will be given the following offer:
- Unconditional
- Conditional (usually based on exam results or occasionally for mature students completing a short recognised course)
- Decline
We are hoping that in the Spring / Summer term of 2022 we will be able to invite applicants who have received a conditional or unconditional place, the chance to visit the college in person depending on the circumstances at the site.