Osteopathy degree courses

Our Degree Courses are Accredited by the General Osteopathic Council and validated by Anglia Ruskin University.

Study part-time or full-time for a degree in osteopathy

Osteopathy is one of 14 Allied Health Professions recognised by NHS England.


The London School of Osteopathy offers students the choice of qualifying with an undergraduate Masters of Osteopathy (MOst) or Bachelors of Osteopathy (Hons). All students are initially enrolled on the MOst degree course. There is the option to study on a full or part-time basis.

  • Both the MOst and BOst degree course follows the same curriculum during the first two years of study and enable students to achieve the same level of clinical competency.
  • The MOst and BOst degrees will enable you to become a fully-fledged independent practitioner of osteopathy on graduating.
  • The degrees are validated by the Anglia Ruskin University, and accredited by the General Osteopathic Council.


Students make the decision of whether they wish to qualify with a MOst or a BOst in their penultimate year of studies.

Your decision as to whether to qualify with a  MOst or a BOst may be based on the following:

  • How quickly you wish to complete your studies. A full-time BOst degree takes 3 ½ years to complete – a MOst takes a further six months.
  • Where you wish to practice after qualification. Both qualifications enable you to practice within the UK. Some countries in Europe require Osteopaths to hold an MOst qualification.
  • MOst students complete a significant piece of research, which may be in the form of a literature review, experiment, or another methodology of your choosing.
  • Your academic ability. The final year for MOst students is at Masters level, which requires greater academic rigour and depth than in previous years.
  • Your other commitments. Some students complete with the BOst as they feels that this will better allow them to balance the demands of the course with their work and family lives.


What will I study during my osteopathy degree?


What qualifications do I need to study at the London School of Osteopathy?

Our standard offer for prospective students with A’Levels is:

104 UCAS Points from 2, preferably 3, A-Levels with one being a science subject (e.g. Chemistry, Physics, Biology, Psychology), and GCSE’s to include English and Maths grade C minimum.

Offers for mature students, who have already obtained higher qualifications or gained practical experience will be made taking this into consideration. Our Registrar is happy to discuss either via phone or by email whether your current skills and qualifications will meet with our entry requirements.

“One of the things that really attracted me was the amazing atmosphere, lots of really friendly staff and students and just a really warm environment where you can discuss relevant topics with your peers.” 

Katy Martin, background: performance arts


Graduate Diploma Requirements:

– Open to students 18 years and over at course commencement

– If English is not your first language, you will need to demonstrate English language proficiency equivalent to IELTS (Academic) 6.0 overall, with a minimum of 5.5 in each band and 6.0 in speaking.

– All applicants are interviewed as part of the admissions process.

– Applicants not meeting the entry criteria may be considered on a case by case basis by the Academic Director. Consideration will be given to those with appropriate and evidenced previous academic history, prior work experience and life skills experience.

Undergraduate Diploma Requirements:

– Open to students 18 years and over at course commencement

– If English is not your first language, you will need to demonstrate English language proficiency equivalent to IELTS (Academic) 6.0 overall, with a minimum of 5.5 in each band and 6.0 in speaking.

– All applicants are interviewed as part of the admissions process.

– Applicants not meeting the entry criteria may be considered on a case by case basis by the Academic Director. Consideration will be given to those with appropriate and evidenced previous academic history, prior work experience and life skills experience.


Are you ready to take the next step toward your future career?