Library and Learning Resource Centre

The London School of Osteopathy Library & Learning Resource Centre offers a comprehensive range of resources and services to support both students and staff. Equipped with modern facilities, the library provides access to a wealth of academic materials and offers responsive support services to enhance the learning experience.

Academic, Research and IT resources at your finger tips!

Welcome to The Library & Learning Resource Centre

The Library & Learning Resource Centre provides a variety of resources and services to the staff and students of the London School of Osteopathy.  The centre provides access to books, online and paper-based journals and past papers as well as audiovisual material. The IT centre enable users to access online resources, Internet, e-mail, printing and other subject and service specific software available on campus.

Library Resources

The students of London School of Osteopathy have got access to a number of digital resources and e-learning materials. A login is required to access these resources. Please use LSO email address and password to access these resources.

ARU's Libraries & Information Network

Students also have access to Anglia Ruskin University’s libraries and information network. Enrolment is required to activate these facilities. The LSO librarian will help you to register with ARU Services.

Past Dissertations

Please click on the link below to browse past dissertation dated 2005-2020. A login is required to access these resources. Please use LSO email address and password to access these resources.


Study Area

The library also has dedicated study spaces available for students to study independently, research and/or work on their coursework. This is a quiet zone and offers a suitable environment along with facilities to plug-in laptops and use the college Wi-Fi. Currently there are Twelve designated spaces for students available throughout the week.

How do I borrow physical items? 
You can borrow books and other materials using self-service checkout or at library help desk. All students and staff will need to use their LSO Library user ID to borrow books, journals, and other resources from the library by contacting the Resource Officer at the Library. The ID card must be valid at the time of use.  

How do I reserve, renew, or return an item? 
You can check what books you have out on your account, place hold on an item and renew items by accessing your e-Library account. You can also visit your library to borrow, renew and return items, collect items requested through our ‘click and collect’ service on our online catalogue, and use pc’s.

You can renew items before they are due back as long as:

  • Other borrowers have not reserved them.
  • Your library record with us is not expiring in the next few days, and is not blocked due to having incurred more than £10 in fines.

Please look out for our library renewal emails which will let you know if your renewals have been successful(and the new due dates for your items) or if some items cannot be renewed and need to be returned to us.You may return an item at library help desk or can self-return by using e-Library account online while you are in the library and place item back on return shelf. 

What are the Borrowing Rules?
The number of books allowed for borrowing is specified in the below table:

Library Users

No. of Books

Borrowing Duration

Faculty Members


21 days



14 days



14 days

Note: Teaching practice items can be borrowed for 12 weeks.

How much are the fines?

  • If you keep overdue items that are on hold then we will charge fines: £0.50 per day per item (up to a maximum of £10 per item)
  • If you incur charges on your record of more than £5 then you will not be able to borrow more items from us until this fine is reduced to £5. 

Lost/Damaged or Un-returned Books
The borrower must replace the lost/damaged material or pay the full price as stated on the item.

Library Clearance
The library will sign the clearance form only when all the borrowed items are returned to the library.

The library is open as a space for you to work during college opening hours. In addition the librarian will be available to assist you with any queries during the following hours in term-time:

Tuesday and Thursday 9.30 am – 4.00 pm

Saturday and Sunday 10.30 am – 6.00 pm (during college teaching weekends)

London School of Osteopathy students will now be able to search library catalogue (OPAC) online .

You can also renew and reserve books online.

Please login with your LSO email and password (you have recently created with Librarika email invitation).

If you can not find what you are looking for please do not hesitate to contact us at

Online Support

Book one-to-one Student Support Sessions 

Student support sessions are available at LSO Library to help with: 
· Introduction of the LSO Library and Resources
· Searching online learning materials
· Harvard Referencing online
· Information literacy webinars
· One-to-one tutorials
· Functional skills webinars
· Access to other resources with our partner institutions

Please request your session via emailing at:

Self-Service options:

Student Induction to Library and Learning Resources
One-to-one support sessions

Books Recommendations/Stock Suggestions

At London School of Osteopathy we are keen to hear about book recommendations from students and teaching staff. This will help us to develop more current and relevant stock.  If you would like to suggest any course related title(s), please email your request to at

Campus Help Desk and Support

Library help desks offer face-to-face advice and support.

Library Services
· Setting up your library account
· Finding books and other resources in the library
· Borrowing and returning resources
· Harvard Referencing
· Submitting coursework and assignments
· Help with ICT e.g., setting up Wi-Fi, printing, and scanning facilities.

If you have any queries, please contact

What is Referencing?
During your course you will be asked to find information from various sources for portfolio and assignments. These will influence your thinking and you need to acknowledge the authors or creators who produced them. Referencing is the way you let others know which sources you have consulted as part of your work.

Click here to view the Harvard Referencing System >>

One-to-One Student Support Sessions

Student Support Sessions are available at LSO Library (The Grange) and via Zoom. This includes:
- introduction to the LSO library and resources
- searching online learning materials
- searching library catalogue
- access to resources at ARU library
- help with ARU login and account set up
- help with ICT e.g. setting up WiFi and printing facilities etc.


Contact LSO Library

LPS Library Opening Hours


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